How much Dollhouse Yellow is too much Dollhouse Yellow? Trick question! There is no such thing as too much Dollhouse Yellow. Moving on to the second most pressing question in our collective lives, what does second hand low mean? What is the second hand? Who has the second hand? Me? Your partner? The other team? Someone that is not even in the room? We're still debating that. Until we find an answer, we will hear "Second hand low" whispered delicately on each passing breeze.
Smile and Initiate
How do adults make friends in this crazy day and age? Smile and Initiate, that's how. We're not sure if that means smiling in a friendly way and approaching others in an effort to find mutual interests, or just listening to this album over and over until your neighbors bang on your walls demanding to know what angelic music they can hear emanating from your bedroom walls. Try one of those and see if it works, we guess.
A Love More Supreme
A fourth album? Now, this is just getting ridiculous. Is it greater than sliced bread? We don't know. We like bread a lot. Maybe if you're gluten intolerant? Or if you're carrying a grudge against sliced bread for some slight from ages ago. What were we talking about? Oh yes, the fourth album. It's pretty great.
Before Someone Else Comes Along
A third album?! Does anyone need that much Dollhouse Yellow? We can't speak for everyone, but in speaking for ourselves, we think that the answer would be a resounding "Yup."
Under the Sycamores
...and so it came to pass that we wrote a musical. Then, we recorded all of the music as an album. That album was titled Under the Sycamores. It was so good that upon hearing it, a neighbor was quoted as saying, "I didn't know you were in a band."
Up. Down. All Around.
Up. Down. All Around. is the debut album from Dollhouse Yellow. Some might call it a sonic masterpiece. Who are we to argue with our Mom? Featuring 11 tracks, ranging from stripped down, acoustic songs suitable for sitting and watching it rain, to all out rockers, suitable for standing and watching it rain.